Oral presentation

The total time assigned to an oral presentation is 20 minutes, where the last 3-4 minutes should be kept for answering questions.

Presentations should be prepared in 4/3 format and must be provided as a PowerPoint or PDF file. The presentations are expected to follow standard scientific presentation practices. No specific templates or guidelines for presentation are expected.

You must upload your file onto the dedicated presentation computer in the room where your presentation will take place, using a USB key, before the start of the session. The computer will be available during the last 15 minutes of the break before starting the given session (and all sessions). Alternatively please email your presentation to info@stahy2018.org by 20 Sept 2018 to allow the presentations to be preloaded.


You can display your poster as soon as you arrive and register on the first day of the conference. Elements needed for hanging them will be supplied, and volunteers will be available for helping participants if needed.

The title of your poster must appear clearly at the top of the poster. The authors and their affiliations should also be clearly visible. The posters are expected to follow standard scientific presentation practices. No specific templates or guidelines for posters are expected.

We recommend A0 portrait format for your poster (0.84m × 1.19m). Please note that there is no printing service available on site, so you will need to make your own printing arrangements.

The posters will be presented by their authors during the poster session. Posters may be displayed for the duration of the conference, to facilitate ongoing discussions.